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International / Domestic Factoring

Lets Get Started

Improve cash flow by factoring your invoices. factoring is an intelligent way of financing trade improving your companies access to available capital.


How It Works:

We qualify your customers creditworthiness and guarantee payment of your A/R

We buy your receivables at a discount giving you access to immediate cash.

We the handle the management and collections of your receivables guaranteeing payment.



  1. International / Domestic Factoring

  2. Asset Based Lending

  3. Supply Chain Financing

  4. Purchase Order Financing 


Here is what we need to generate an offer:


  1. Signed application

  2. Current Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payable

  3. Year to date financials

  4. Last year tax returns

  5. Customer listing with full address and contact information (no one will be contacted)

All requested documentation can be securely uploaded: HERE


Its Quick and Easy:

Senior Executive Adviser

Wendy Vila


78 SW 7th St. 6th Floor Miami FL 33130



Ph:     1‪(305) 814-4265‬

Fax:   1(888) 508-8445



A dedicated adviser will be assigned to guide you through your options.

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